Outsourcing Solutions – Global Brands Group | Empowering Transformation https://gbrands.com Mon, 29 Aug 2022 08:12:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://gbrands.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/cropped-107611543_3248293585228982_4681980909340221677_n-32x32.jpeg Outsourcing Solutions – Global Brands Group | Empowering Transformation https://gbrands.com 32 32 Managed Services Solutions https://gbrands.com/services/outsourcing-solutions/managed-services-solutions/ Wed, 22 Jun 2022 08:54:43 +0000 https://gbrands.online/?post_type=services&p=1141

Our attentive and detail-oriented team tailors responsive and reliable solutions to meet your HR requirements.

Recruitment & Selection Processes

Getting the right talent onboard is central in contributing to your company’s competitiveness and growth. GBG carefully headhunts, screens, and evaluates candidates so you can hire the ideal person to fill the specific role.

Performance Management Processes

Diligent performance management is crucial to thriving businesses but is often overlooked. We help you align and monitor your employees’ KPIs and expectations to encourage a stimulating and satisfying work environment through data collection. 

Training & Development Processes

Whether it’s onboarding a new employee or upgrading skills, GBG can help support your in-house capabilities through our employee training and development processes.

Our effective and engaging solutions equip your business to experience an acceleration in job performance and corporate growth.

Employee Availability Through the Year

GBG helps you find reliable part-time and temporary employees to fill any seasonal staffing shortage, including periods of audits, holidays, and stock-taking.

Manpower Outsourcing Solutions https://gbrands.com/services/outsourcing-solutions/manpower-outsourcing-solutions/ Wed, 22 Jun 2022 08:51:49 +0000 https://gbrands.online/?post_type=services&p=1140

We take care of the following in detail so you can focus your corporate strategies on other critical areas.

Hiring & Resignation Processes

GBG takes care of baseline employment processes so you can concentrate your time and resources on other business aspects. 

Our team manages everything from the signing of hiring letters to systematic resignation documentation. We detailly following all your corporate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure uniformity in our deliverables.

Payroll & Income Tax Processes

As an outstanding leader in technology, GBG possesses HR capabilities to manage your payroll process meticulously.

Our experienced tax professionals also ensure that your filing deadlines and deposit requirements are consistently met. We provide you with peace of mind while reducing risks in the complex area of tax compliance.

Social and Medical Insurance Processes

GBG supports the well-being of your employees by managing your social and medical insurance processes. We take care of all insuring paperwork, ensuring that your organization abides by all local employment welfare laws.
